Data Center

MICTDC is making an effort to expedite the ICT industry’s growth. Myanmar has strong economic growth potential and attempts are being made by banks, insurance firms, businesses and governments to be online and to provide services online. MICTDC and NTT Myanmar are now working together to open the international standard private Data Center (Tire-III) in the ICT Park. Data Center will house up to 162 racks and available fully redundancy internet network access
options for the customers of the Data Center.

Data Center will be operated by the Myanmar IT engineers with the strong support by Japanese experts, also will be using the monitoring tools and state of the art technologies. There will be stand-by Generators and UPS for the power failure and use the smoke detectors and NOVEC gas system for fire fighting.


Tier III

High Bandwidth Internet Access

Reliable Electrical Power Supply

Free Parking Area

Easy Access - Close to Airport, Hotels and Downtown Area